

Offshore Company Registration in Dubai

A company can be established offshore, that is away from the UAE mainland and not in a free zone

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In the majority of cases, offshore companies do not need to occupy physical office space, but in turn, cannot undertake extensive any business activities in the country of its origin. when setting up your offshore company. Offshore companies can be created and owned by individuals or institutions, and shares can be easily and freely transferred by a written instrument.

Offshore company formation in Dubai

Offshore company formation in Dubai is a fast-growing sector of new business setup in the country. It is typically built with provisions to minimize or eliminate taxes associated with property sales, capital gains, value-added tax (VAT), death duties, and profits on business earnings. For investors looking at offshore company registration in Dubai, favored considerations include the ability to create or maintain wealth, hold or protect property and other assets, and offer international trading, contracting and consulting services from a single location.

Benefits of Offshore Company setup in Dubai

Benefits of Offshore Company setup in Dubai is an assurance of confidentiality over ownership and related financial affairs.

Structural Benefits of Offshore Company Registration in Dubai

When compared to many other jurisdictions, the UAE has a highly regulated banking system, sophisticated infrastructure and facilities, cutting-edge telecommunications networks, and easy access to international markets.

Our services

We are registered and reliable agents for Dubai offshore company formation, and we continue to serve clients from all parts of the world. Complementing our many years of experience is a distinguished team of in-house lawyers, accountants, auditors and management consultants who work closely together with every client. We offer end-to-end services for offshore company formation in the UAE, and administration thereof. These services include corporate and business documentation, opening of bank accounts, and the provision of directors, company secretary and nominee shareholders as required. Working on your behalf, we will also liaise with all concerned authorities. Most importantly, we will guide you through every stage of offshore business setup in Dubai, including choosing and registering a name, conducting and collecting due diligence, and arranging reference letters. In most instances, we will not require your physical presence to open your offshore company.

Registering an offshore company in UAE

Registering an offshore company in UAE spells out several business benefits: Stable and business-friendly legal system, Flexible regulatory regime, Tax neutrality, Separation and protection of assets, Gateway to international markets, Access to global funding. Incorporation of offshore companies is relatively easy, quick, and simplified, and we often complete the process in a few days.

Offshore companies in UAE

Offshore companies in UAE are not subject to any registration conditions regarding the leasing of premises, provision of guarantees or employment of staff. However, should you require it, we can arrange for your business to be conducted and all communications to be maintained through our registered and approved firm

Why choose Dubai for starting a business?

So many reasons! Here's a list of the most common ones: